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Who is The Wellbeing Advocate? 

Margaret has led spiritual groups, studied and taught holistic health and wellbeing since 1991. Her understanding has grown immensely throughout the years as her abilities have expanded .

As a Wellbeing Practitioner/Spiritual Mentor-Coach the ultimate understanding is that the body knows when it is out of order and balance is suffering. There is an aspect of the spirit that has a greater understanding. 

During a wellbeing session, client and practitioner work together to allow the higher understanding to direct the healing.  

As a Practitioner, Margaret's intuitive gifts allows her to scan the body vibrationally. Often a Channel comes through from the client's own upper chamber to assist with special guidance. Quite often there has been information that the loved ones have wanted to impart that will help the entire tribe to move forward from the ground up. Most often this is to shutter spiritual/ karmic unrest, and render it benign. As it is understood on Earth, so it is held in love in the Heavens above us. Therefore the work that we do together is Holy and not to be taken lightly. Margaret greatly and gratefully considers all assistance from above as grace; a blessing from the Beautiful Ones, understanding that they trust her to support their loved ones' living. 

Margaret uses several techniques that have evolved exponentially over the years called Vibrational Scanning.  We will use tapping, mudras and natural elements to allow the energy field (aura) to wake up and shed unneeded energy. Natural elements include food, minerals, herbs, light, breath work, core cord cleaning and pressure point application. The point is to find the innate ability that allows for wellbeing; which is support, joy, healthy living, peace and true happiness!

So be it on Earth as it is known in the upper chamber of the soul.

Albeit known: inside the Mind of God. 


Margaret Harris

Wellness Practitioner

Soul Archetype: Artist Healer

Medical Intuitive Channel

License Minister

Certified Life & Spiritual Mentor-Coach

Silva I & II Certified

Advanced Psych-K Certified

Reiki I & II Certified

NADA Acu Detox Specialist

NADA Registered Trainer

Light Therapy Certificate 


©2023 The Wellbeing Advocate, LLC

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